New Water Storage Tank Installation: What You Need to Know

After you’ve purchased your water tank, the next thing to think about is how you’re going to install it. There are several best practices that must be followed to ensure the safety of your water storage tank. You should also consider how you intend to use it. This influences what tools you’ll need and whether you’ll be able to do it yourself.

Installing a water tank is simple once you know what you’re going to use it for. Here’s a quick procedure that I found very simple to grasp.

1. Prepare the tank base – There are 2 types of bases you can prepare for a water storage tank. Concrete and compacted material.

  • Concrete Base –  Pour a 3″ reinforced concrete slab that is exactly level and flat in all directions and is larger than the diameter/base dimensions of the vertical tank. Before pouring the concrete, make sure the soil base is adequately compacted.
  • Compacted Material – Make a 3″ pad of compacted crusher dust/road base that is at least 24″ larger in diameter than the water tank. The tank base must be free of any rocks or stones, as well as any sharp or foreign matter that may damage the tank’s base. This base must be thoroughly compacted and be exactly level and flat in all directions.

If you’re replacing an old tank with a new one, this step should already be completed. However, if you’re about to install a new water storage tank, make sure you provide either a concrete or compacted material base. Also, make sure that the base is larger than the diameter of your tank’s base and that it is equally flat in all directions. This will save you from unnecessary spillage and other problems in the future.

2. Install the overflow drainage pipe – If you bought your tank from Enduraplas, your fitting may already be in place (unless otherwise specified). The piping should then be connected to the stormwater drainage system or taken to a point well clear of the tank that will not undermine the base.

The overflow is usually already installed in your new tank. But if it isn’t, don’t worry because it is a simple process that only requires you to drill a hole into which you will insert a gasket (and sometimes a filter). Drilling some screws is also necessary to secure the fixture. This will allow water to escape, reducing the possibility of foundation erosion.

3. Install your roof fill pipes – Now is the time to connect the pipe from your roof to your tank lid. If you intend to use the water in your tank for human consumption, please consult with your local dealer about the filters you will require. It is also critical to ensure that your filter basket is securely fastened to the lid of your water tank.

Whether your catchment area is on the roof or close to the ground, the water tank is an essential part of the water collection process. After all, rainwater goes to waste if it is not collected and stored immediately.

The location of a water tank is one factor to consider in order to get the most out of it. When deciding where to put your water tank, you should consider tank dimensions, the size and space of your property, pipework and plumbing framework, and the appearance of your property.

  • Tank measurement

The best measurement is determined by the shape of the water tank you choose. Slimline tanks have a slim profile, so the best one should measure the same as another layer of the wall. Under-deck tanks, as the name implies, are intended to be installed beneath the deck, and thus the best ones are shaped like wide boxes. The best measurements for rounded tanks, which are usually set up on platforms or towers, depending on how much water you want to store in them.

Once the tank’s dimensions are determined, the next step is to determine the size and space of your property.

  • Size and Space of your property

It is critical that you are aware of the available space regardless of the type of tank you intend to purchase because everything takes up space, especially if your water tank will be installed above ground. Additionally, you will be able to determine whether an above-ground water tank is suitable for you or whether an underground water tank is your only option due to the limited space you have.

  • Property Appearance

Some people find the presence of a water tank on their property to be bothersome, even if it ensures that they get the amount of water they require each day, with or without a restriction. As a result, it is critical to make the tank less visible.

  • Pipes and plumbing framework

Locate your water tank near your downpipes; this will limit your location options but will result in a better way of storing your water.

To discuss any of the concepts described here in more detail, our friendly and experienced customer service team can help. We offer tried and tested services around Houston, Texas and Longbeach, California.

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